Dog parks can be a great resource for socialization, and fun for our furry friends. But like most things it does come with some hazards. Dog attacks particularly have been on the rise with the most recent one making headlines on June 21st in Essex Park. Staying aware of your surroundings and keeping a eye on all off leash dogs is important not just for your pets safety but yours as well. |
Giardiasis is an intestinal infection in humans and animals caused by a microscopic protozoan. It is a simple one-celled parasitic species, not a worm, bacteria, or virus. This can commonly be spread at dog parks. This is a zoonotic parasite and can be passed to you and your family. We recommend frequent intestinal parasite screenings if your dog visits the park.
Not to forget about our feline friends this summer its important to be aware of predators who are enjoying the nice weather as well. Coyotes are prevalent in both rural and suburban areas and can be spotted all times of day. Keeping an eye on our furry friends when outside is important to their safety.