Boarding your pet at Timberland

We have temporarily stopped boarding. Sorry for the inconvenience .

We board pets!

Need a safe and friendly place for boarding your pet? Boarding at a veterinary clinic has the benefits of professional care. We have an enclosed green space for walking  dogs.  Dogs enjoy the fresh air  and  tennis ball time, We  have a cat room allowing time out for exercise. Cats are individually released from their cage for lounging, petting and toy time.  We brush your kitty and often spend our lunchtime in the same room. Litterboxes are frequently monitored. Have a pet with special needs? Our clinic can take care of your diabetic pet or multi-medication needs. Bring your own food or we supply Science diet for your pets. We’ll send you text pics.

Pets need to have a current exam, parasite check (fecal and fleas) and up to  date vaccines.   

Call for scheduling and pricing.  503.665.1194 

Portland and Gresham Vets

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